
Make Money Online With a Zen-Cart Online Store, 5 Ways to Get Website Traffic to Your Zen-Cart Store

Website traffic. After all that work, you finally launched your store, but where are the customers? Was your first week like a party where nobody came but you mother? What went wrong? Have you miscalculated interest in your product? Are you ever going to make a sale? These are the kinds of questions that can haunt you if you don't plan ahead to get traffic to your website.

It's not unusual for an online store owner to be so excited about getting the store up that no thought is given to getting traffic to the website and converting that traffic into sales.

Here are five quick ways to get traffic for your website launch:

Send a media release to your local newspapers. Make sure it's newsworthy and not just announcing that you are open for business (yawn). Include your link in the story.

Manually submit your site to Google. Although you will have to get links to your site in order to stay indexed, when you manually submit, it will get indexed at least for a short while (be aware that if the spiders can't find you when they crawl the Internet, you will eventually get dropped from the index).

Create an email signature for all your outgoing emails. Include a link to your website as well as a short tagline (so people will know what products you carry).

Set-up a Google AdWords account and generate traffic and/or leads through pay-per-click (PPC). You will get traffic almost immediately. You can control your budget and you will learn a lot about what people are looking for - and "how" they are looking - in relation to what you are selling. Carefully select the amount or average amount you are willing to pay for each click, cap your daily budget at whatever figure you are comfortable with for getting started, and monitor your analytics closely.  Read Full Story

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